Talk set on navigating social media

Posted on  07/10/2011  |  Media Centre

Friday, October 7, 2011

THE first social media conference in Brunei is slated on October 21 to gather together individuals who apply such tools to their businesses and personal lives and those keen to explore possibilities in the medium.

About 80 delegates from the social media scene in Brunei and Sabah will learn what the gains and pitfalls are of social media, how to maximise its potential, and safeguard against threats during the Borneo 2.0: Start-up and Social Media Conference, said the organisers in a statement.

Maurina Abdul Hamid, a social media personality, said, “I think this gathering will be fascinating. The dialogue promises to give valuable insight and I really urge all to join the social media bandwagon if they haven’t yet and join the conversation with people around the world.”

The conference will begin with “Dude, Where’s My Traffic?” a session about driving interest and potential business to your page online, followed by “Twitter: What’s in it for Me?” which capitalises on the power of tweeting to get your message to your friends, customers and other users globally.

Rano Iskandar of, Delwin Keasberry of and Azhani Daniel of will host the talk. The conference was organised by Asia Inc Forum in partnership with Telekom Brunei Bhd. For more information, please contact Andrew Dy at 2226555.

The Brunei Times

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