Corporate Partnership Program 2009

Posted on  01/03/2009  |  2009, Programs & Events

The Corporate Partnership Program aims to continuously provide a platform for dialogue between business, government and other stakeholders on the challenge of sustainable economic development for Brunei Darussalam and to promote public-private partnership and cooperation in Brunei Darussalam.

National Environment Conference 2009

“Action Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow
-Practical Ideas for Brunei Darussalam”

19th August 2009 at the Empire Hotel and Country Club

The National Environment Conference 2009 brought together the public and private sectors to promote environmental stewardship, manage our natural resources for a sustainable future, and foster economic prosperity.

Click here to view the programme 2009

Presentation I: Regional Smoke Haze in Southeast Asia by Dr Rajasekhar, Associate Professor & Deputy Head, National University of Singapore.

Presentation II: Green Waste Management System for Brunei by Dr Jerry Leonard, Executive Manager, Edmunton Waste Management Centre of Excellence, Canada.

Presentation III: Green Business is Good Business by Anita Roper, CEO, Sustainability Victoria, Australia.

Presentation IV: BSB as a Sustainability City by Djoko Prihanto, Senior Vice President, Surbana International Consultants.

Click here to view photos of the National Environment Conference 2009

Corporate Partners


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