Asia Inc organises trash collection
Zatty Joanda
Monday, August 11, 2014
ASIA Inc Forum hosted a “Trash to Treasure Campaign” that concluded yesterday at the Silver Jubilee Park.
Volunteers set up a tent with campaign banners at the car park area for members of the public to drop by and pass their recyclables to be weighed and segregated.
The campaign collected a total of 4,000kg of trash that included materials such as paper, plastic, aluminium, metals and electronic waste.
The campaign was held in conjunction with the National Environment Conference that will be held at The Empire Hotel & Country Club on August 13.
The conference, themed “Brunei’s Green Future: Ideas, Strategies, Possibilities”, will feature exciting discussions with international experts and local industry leaders on energy conservation, strategies for green and sustainable development and possibilities of energy transition.
“We’re very happy to see the enthusiasm of Bruneians to support our campaign and recycle,” said Manager of Asia Inc Forum’s Brunei Programmes Nanette Ramos in a press statement.
“It is very encouraging that people do not forget our responsibility to our environment even in this Raya season, when we have a lot of aluminium cans and plastic containers from the festivities.”
Ramos added that the Trash to Treasure Campaign marked a milestone for Asia Inc Forum and Brunei as it is the first time Asia Inc Forum has gotten members of the public involved in its green practices.
The campaign was a joint initiative between Asia Inc Forum, the Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation (JASTRe) of the Ministry of Development, and Daikyo Environmental Recycling with conference partners TOTAL E&P Borneo BV, Butra Heidelberg Cement, and Baiduri Bank.
The Brunei Times